come with me!!

My name is Costas and I like to create short everyday stories with a title of 2 words, if you want to participate in this idea send me a message via chat or contact form, I will be happy to hear your ideas

Best Destination


Best birthday present ever. Not only did my mom get me a new car, but she also gave me the best birthday present of all- a trip to Italy! I've never been before, and I'm excited to see all the amazing places and people. My mom and I are going to spend the weekend in Rome, and I'm going to be able to see all the beautiful churches, monuments, and other places that I've read about in books. I'm going to be so excited to see all the different types of food, and to meet all the different people. I hope that the trip will be a lot of fun for me, and that I can learn a lot about Italian culture.


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